Two Most Common Home Damages Caused by Winter Weather

Some home damage can be difficult to avoid during winter in Bowling Green. But do not fret, today we will talk about the two most common cold weather problems and tips you can use to prevent them.
First, frozen pipes are one of the most common problems to occur during winter. They are also one of the problems we have a bundle of ideas on how to prevent. Use these next time the outside temperature is planned to drop below 20 degrees Fahrenheit.

  • Keep the heat on. A warm home equals warm pipes. While it may seem attractive to save money on your heat, the price of repairs following a burst pipe is not worth the savings.
  • Prevent freezing by letting your faucets drip during extreme cold temperatures.
  • If one of your pipes does freeze, turn off the main valve and call a plumber.

The second addition on our list is ice dams, when water builds up behind sheets of ice on your roof.

  • Make sure your attic is insulated. This will prevent snow from melting on your roof by keeping warm air out of the attic.
  • Create ventilation. Cool down your attic with an eave, soffit, ridge, gable, or other form of ventilation.
  • If an ice dam does occur to your home, call Paul Davis Restoration & Remodeling of Bowling Green KY as soon as you can.
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