Spring Thaws: A Hidden Danger in Bowling Green

We all start feeling a little brighter once spring finally arrives in Bowling Green. The skies are blue, the leaves are green, and you don’t have to bundle up to leave your house. What’s not to love?

But this doesn’t mean that spring is risk-free. Spring thaws are a major cause of flooding around the country. The team at Paul Davis Restoration & Remodeling of Bowling Green KY wants to help you prepare for and recover from these types of incidents. But before we get into that, let’s discuss spring thaws in general.

What Are Spring Thaws?

When winter finally yields to spring, the frozen ground can’t absorb the water from the melting snow. Because the water cannot follow its normal course, it runs off into lakes, streams, and rivers. Additional water in these areas results in an increased probability for flooding.

Preparing For Spring Thaws & Floods

You can’t prevent flooding, but there are things you can do to be ready. Start with a specific emergency evacuation plan. This includes purchasing an emergency kit and knowing where valuables and important documents are stored. You can also purchase an additional flood insurance plan that will cover costs related to an incident like this. For more information, visit ready.gov/floods.

Recovering From Flood Damage

If you’ve experienced the devastating effects of a spring thaw, contact Paul Davis Restoration & Remodeling of Bowling Green KY to receive the help you need. You’ll receive professional flood restoration service for our friends and neighbors in the Bowling Green area.